Soft Water Plus Blog

Every Drop Counts

On average, the world’s population is growing by 80 million people a year which is increasing demand for fresh water. competition for this water exists all over the world and is only going to increase. Therefore, it is vital that we make a few easy, everyday changes to help reduce water wastage in our homes and workplaces.

The History of the Shower

There is nothing quite as satisfying as a good long shower. Folks have always been aware of how awesome it feels to wash away the dirt of a hard working day or relax a weary body. While many might assume the show to be a fairly recent luxury, they have been around a lot longer than you may think. In fact it is only the way that a shower is carried out that’s changed over time.

There’s Nothing To Drink But Clean, Filtered Water!

How often do we take water for granted? Probably more often than you think! We see it every day. People choose to drink things like soft drinks rather than clean, healthy water. However, when we do need water, we most likely don’t think twice about where it comes from, how clean it is and other facts about our water supply. The following infographic provides a deeper look into water around the world.

The Technology of Toilets

Toilets are nothing new to us. However, did you know that 2,800 years ago King Minos had the first flushing water closet ever recorded in history? It’s true! Toilets have come a long way since that time. Here is an infographic that will help you to learn about the past, present and future of the toilet.

Needs of Pure Water

The only way to really understand and appreciate the importance of water to our lives is to look at some vital information about water needs. The folks at Najboljsa Voda do just that for us in the following infographic.

Hellenbrand Water Softner Promo

Purchase a Hellenbrand ProMate 6.5 water softener from Soft Water Plus and we will include a high performance Formula R.O. System for free which includes basic installation.

Hot Water Recirculation – A Practical Method of Saving Water

Every homeowner in the United States has been faced with waiting for hot water at his or her shower or faucet. It is frustrating, inconvenient and it wastes thousands of gallons per household every year. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could turn on a shower and walk right in? Is it a novel thought with today’s know-how and new technology? Not really. Everyone should know that water recirculation systems are available for new homes, but must be specified by the homebuyer.

Pump It Up: Preserving Our Water Resources

Wasted water is more than just a drop in the bucket. A typical U.S. household wastes more than 8,000 to 14,000 gallons per year just waiting for hot water in the sink, shower or tub. In addition, rural areas are adding municipal water and sewage systems as new developments are built, putting unprecedented demands on water tables even in states where water supply has not traditionally been a problem.

Is It Safe To Drink Soft Water?

We are often asked if it is safe to drink soft water. Soft water, while not toxic, should generally not be consumed in large quantities. The process of softening the water involves an exchange of hard water minerals, which leaves sodium ions in the soften water. The...


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